Tag: landscapers

The Basics of Lawn Care

A lush, green lawn makes your property more attractive and provides a relaxing outdoor space. But maintaining a healthy lawn requires dedication and effort.

Water and fertilize properly, control weeds, and aerate regularly to encourage lush growth. A soil test can help identify and correct issues that affect your lawn’s health, but you must follow recommendations to see results. Contact Lawn Care Cornelius NC now!

As any lawn care professional will tell you, the health of your grass depends on water. A healthy lawn requires a consistent supply of moisture to thrive, particularly during the hot and dry summer months. The amount of water needed for this purpose varies depending on your climate, but the general guideline is that a lawn needs about one inch of water each week, whether it comes from rainfall or irrigation. This moisture must penetrate deeply into the soil, promoting healthy roots that are more resistant to drought conditions.

The best time of day to water your lawn is in the early morning, after a rainfall or shortly after mowing. Watering at other times can encourage fungus and disease, because the water clings to the leaves of the grass rather than soaking in. Similarly, weed control products and fertilizers need to be applied to wet grass in order for them to work effectively.

When it comes to mowing, the height of your grass should be determined by its growth rather than a predetermined schedule. This helps to conserve water and allows the mower to cut the grass more efficiently. For this reason, it is important to let the grass grow until it reaches about three inches above its mowed height before cutting.

Improving your soil quality can also promote better water retention, decreasing the need for frequent irrigation. Organic matter like compost increases the amount of water that is absorbed by the soil, while improving its structure and drainage capabilities. Additionally, aeration, which creates small holes in the soil, improves root access to nutrients and water, further reducing the need for watering.

As a general rule, most homes need only a single deep watering per week during the summer months. This method is preferred over shallow, frequent waterings that encourage a weak, shallow root system. It is also recommended that you avoid watering in the evenings, since prolonged wetness can invite fungus and other diseases into your lawn.


Fertilizing lawns provides essential nutrients that support rapid grass growth, help it resist stress from heat and drought, and prevent weed invasions. When done properly, fertilizing your lawn can also encourage a healthy ecosystem of micro-organisms, earthworms, praying mantises and ladybugs that help control unwanted insects and other garden pests. Regular fertilizing will also reduce the risk of developing diseases in your lawn, such as fungus.

All fertilizers add nutrients to the soil that promote plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But the type of fertilizer matters a lot. Chemical fertilizers can contaminate water, create smog, and contribute to the loss of biodiversity. Organic fertilizers provide the same nutrients as chemical fertilizers, but they are safer for the environment and people.

The best time to fertilize is in the spring and fall when the lawn is in active growth. For most climates, these are the ideal times to feed your lawn, as the grass will be absorbing the nutrients before going dormant for winter.

If you choose to use fertilizer, test your soil before choosing a product and consider applying a slow-release nitrogen product. This helps to prevent over-fertilization, which can damage your grass and reduce its resiliency against disease and harsh environmental conditions.

Aside from enhancing the appearance of your home, healthy and well-fertilized grass is good for the environment as it reduces carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere by converting it to oxygen. However, most of us cut our lawns with gas-powered mowers that trail fumes and catalyze ozone pollution in the summer heat, so if you’re looking to minimize your impact, choose a service that uses electric mowers or hand-held manual equipment.

Lawn care services can also treat your lawn for weeds, pests and turf diseases, which are a big part of keeping it lush and beautiful. They can even apply fungicide treatments that keep your lawn fungus-free and healthier.


Mowing is a vital component of lawn care. Regular mowing prevents the build-up of dead grass, weeds, leaves and other debris, making your lawn look fresh and appealing. The mowing height also plays an important role in the health of your grass. Choosing the right mowing height will help your grass recover after being cut and allow it to grow more quickly in between mowings.

A professional lawn mowing service will have the right equipment to ensure that your yard is always pristine. They can trim trees, shrubs and bushes as well as remove fallen leaves and other debris from the yard to improve the appearance of your home or business.

When choosing a lawn care service, consider their experience. The more experienced a company is, the better they will be at understanding your local climate, soil and pests. You should also choose a company that offers core lawn treatments such as aeration, fertilization and weed control.

Fungicide treatments are also very important in maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn. These treatments will help prevent and treat the many diseases that can affect your turf including leaf spot, brown patch and summer patch.

Mulching is another great way to maintain a healthy lawn. The mulch moderates soil temperature and retains moisture, which is good for the roots of your plants. It also suppresses weed growth and provides nutrients as it breaks down.

In addition to mowing, a lawn care service will also perform other tasks such as watering, aeration, seeding and tree and shrub care. They will also have the knowledge and expertise to apply specialized treatment programs for the soil and turf to promote overall lawn health.

Lawn care services can be completed on a one-time basis or on a recurring schedule. Most companies will offer a monthly, bi-weekly or weekly maintenance plan. These plans will save you time and money by reducing the number of times you have to think about your lawn. In addition, these plans will provide consistent, quality results. A professional landscaper will understand your needs and create a customized maintenance program that works for you.


Weeds are unwanted plants that grow in the garden or lawn, often competing with desirable grasses and other ornamental plants for water, space, nutrients, and light. They can quickly outgrow and overtake a landscape, making it unsightly and less healthy. Regular weed control keeps unwanted plants at bay, allowing your desired landscape to thrive.

Weed removal is essential to lawn health, as many weeds rob the soil of its valuable nutrients. In addition, they can act as a host for harmful pests and disease-causing microorganisms. Keeping the lawn free of weeds helps reduce the likelihood that these organisms will find shelter and breed within it, reducing the risk of infestations and plant diseases.

There are a number of ways to deal with weeds, but the most effective strategy is preventive. Regular weed control treatments ensure that weeds do not have the opportunity to mature into an unmanageable size, and they also help keep them from sprouting in the first place.

Weeds are known to suck up nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium from the soil, which makes it difficult for grass to thrive in those conditions. By removing the weeds, you can be sure that the nutrients in the ground are being used for the grass rather than the weeds.

Using herbicides to kill weeds is one option, but it requires a careful approach. Some chemical products can damage or kill the surrounding grass and even filter into the soil, damaging trees and other desirable plants. A professional lawn maintenance company can use a liquid herbicide that is safe for the lawn and the surrounding plants.

For those that prefer a more natural approach to weed control, mulching is an effective method for residential and commercial gardens. Spreading a layer of four to six inches of coarse mulch (such as grass clippings, compost, or wood chips) can block the sunlight from reaching the weed seeds and prevent them from growing.

Weeds can be a nuisance for homeowners, lawn care specialists, and gardeners alike. However, with the right preventive strategies and lawn maintenance routines in place, you can maintain a healthy and vibrant landscape year-round. Visit the SodPods website to learn more tips for maintaining a healthy lawn, and browse our selection of high-quality grass plugs for sale.
